The Crimson Empire
Governmental Reign: 3,498 S.A. - A.C.
Silver Age of Realms - Age of Convergence/Current
History of Governance
After The Founder (The Black Mantle Giver) refound the Kurlik he utilized ancient majkets hidden within genes which he called "The Code" of the old followers of the Black Mantle, otherwise known as The Founder who hid his identity on finding the Kurlik; activating the old prophecy he had given them of their coming doom. The Taint that he had taken with him unknowingly would become the catalyst that would prove the philosophy he would use to convince the Kurlik race who had become complacent and distant on their far flung worlds; yet again lacking a purpose.
The Crimson Empire waged war against many races as their empire crusaded through space, destroying or converting all in their path until the humans. The main reason the Durhan think they lost the Crimson War was, at the time, the main philosophy of the Durhan was conversion not destruction. As such they went to extra lengths to try and enslave or otherwise get humans to bend the knee. This was especially true from the given instructions of The Founder, who wanted deeply to use them as the new prime race. This allowed humans time to gather forces and regroup from initial Durhan attacks. The Durhan was hamstrung when the V.R. left, and when the Kurlik revolted they realized the methods they had been using were no longer a way to victory.
This would lead to a quelling in the Durhan ranks, those who followed the philosophy of conversion were put to the blade, or fled into the abyss of space. The Durhan then begin actively using the Taint as a weapon. However these tactics came too late and the Durhan were forced to sign a peace treaty after the last combat of the war during the loss of Eco-location due to their massive losses, thus creating an uneasy peace.
After The Founder (The Black Mantle Giver) refound the Kurlik he utilized ancient majkets hidden within genes which he called "The Code" of the old followers of the Black Mantle, otherwise known as The Founder who hid his identity on finding the Kurlik; activating the old prophecy he had given them of their coming doom. The Taint that he had taken with him unknowingly would become the catalyst that would prove the philosophy he would use to convince the Kurlik race who had become complacent and distant on their far flung worlds; yet again lacking a purpose.
The Crimson Empire waged war against many races as their empire crusaded through space, destroying or converting all in their path until the humans. The main reason the Durhan think they lost the Crimson War was, at the time, the main philosophy of the Durhan was conversion not destruction. As such they went to extra lengths to try and enslave or otherwise get humans to bend the knee. This was especially true from the given instructions of The Founder, who wanted deeply to use them as the new prime race. This allowed humans time to gather forces and regroup from initial Durhan attacks. The Durhan was hamstrung when the V.R. left, and when the Kurlik revolted they realized the methods they had been using were no longer a way to victory.
This would lead to a quelling in the Durhan ranks, those who followed the philosophy of conversion were put to the blade, or fled into the abyss of space. The Durhan then begin actively using the Taint as a weapon. However these tactics came too late and the Durhan were forced to sign a peace treaty after the last combat of the war during the loss of Eco-location due to their massive losses, thus creating an uneasy peace.
Era's of Philosophy
The Era of Mechanis
3498 S.A. (Siver Age of Realms) -4304 S.A./55 G.A. (Golden Age of Realms)
(Decline of Philosophy/End of major Crimson Empire following of philosophy)
3498 S.A. (Siver Age of Realms) -4304 S.A./55 G.A. (Golden Age of Realms)
(Decline of Philosophy/End of major Crimson Empire following of philosophy)
The Lie of Truth
Crimsonism was the religious belief taken by the Black Mantle after becoming a firm worshiper of the Crimson King; King Valdek who had originally created the religion within Red Akhet to unite his fallen people. The Black Mantle after escaping with a few chosen on a refuge ship during the United Evacuation of Errona. Landing and finding that he had fortunately found the lost Kurlik Race he used the Disciples of Crimsonism who he had brought with him across the stars; those who had stripped all their flesh for metal to activate his ancient majket trap he had placed in the Kurlik eons ago. Soon however a fatal flaw was found; the psychic disease the Taint had come with the followers of the Black Mantle and soon his new Kurlik Worshipers were infected as well. Thus the Disciples of Crimsonism taught new methods of "Purification of the Code" allowing the Kurlik to survive; albeit with the need of cybernetics. Thus the Founder utilized the religious dogma and natural desire for combat by the Kurlik to create the Mechanis philosophy; that there was a Chosen Race, to which would decide the conversion of flesh to metal of all other races so that they might be saved by The Taint. Even after the finding of the Durhan would the Mechanis philosophy stay prevalent as the insanity of The Founder had not truly been factor by his followers until much to late. While the Philosophy would decline from 4304 S.A. to 55 G.A. it would not truly begin to decline in rapid succession until the Crimson War; and the Durhan took total control of the Crimson Empire; replacing The Founder as War Master with Victor Raven 13. Although this would lead to the defeat of the Empire in the last battle of the Crimson War; it would also lead the Crimson Empire in a new era of control as no reliance on unreliable allies would be tolerated in the Era of Plaugous. |
The Era of Plaugous
4304 S.A./55 G.A. (Silver Age of Realms/Golden Age of Realms) - A.C. (Age of Convergence/Current)
(Growth of Philosophy/Control of Philosophy over Empire)
4304 S.A./55 G.A. (Silver Age of Realms/Golden Age of Realms) - A.C. (Age of Convergence/Current)
(Growth of Philosophy/Control of Philosophy over Empire)
The Embrace Power
During the Durhan's initiation into the Crimson Empire when the Black Mantle found them, they proved an invaluable tool for the Black Mantle to attempt to begin again on his experiments. Their innate power allowed the expanse of the Crimson Crusades at a rate not yet experienced, and many of the newer technologies were by their design. It would be the Durhan pushing the philosophy of Plaugous would find greater power as they rapidly advanced in taking utter control of the Crimson Empire. While growing slowly despite their title of Chosen Race, the philosophy quickly grew as first V.R. Allies defected, and then stretched into a stalemate in the Crimson War, the Kurlik rebelled, starting the Empire of the Red Eye. It was only through the hasty yet ingenious tactic of utilizing the ambitions of Victor Raven 13 who had proven that he controlled the loyalty of the V.R. but also a large control over Taint forces would the Crimson Empire miraculously come out of the war nearly unscathed. Throwing their new allies into the final battle so that the majority of the Crimson Empire's fleets could regroup and rebuild. Although the Crimson Empire has signed the Valkyrie Accords with the U.W.F. and it's agreeing allies it still wars against the Empire of the Red Eye, as well as the Enlightened Ones. It additional while giving up a multitude of worlds and territory with the signing of the Accords have found a loophole allowing them control over virtually the same territory. By using their slave race, the Selvorais, and creating a separate but completely reliant government vassal on it's borders known as the Feathered Servants. Thus the Crimson Empire continues a Shadow War; pushing the surrounding boundaries seeking out weakness, and plotting war. |
The New Conversion of Allies
Other then the slave race and government of the Selvorais and the Feather Servants, most all other Crimson Empire servants are now newly created bio-weapons. Classified in a multitude of ways with those of more independent thought titled "Anointed Ones", and over seen by the Durhan Vat Priests; these new servants to the Crimson Empire are widely used now as they have no fears, disloyalty, or morals to bind them to rebel against the vastly superior minds of the Durhan.
The rapid expanse and use of active Taint in the Vats of the Crimson Empire have lead to an adhoriant mixture of technology and biology; with the express purpose of infecting any enemies of the Crimson Empire with the Taint; to see if they are worthy of enslavement.
Other then the slave race and government of the Selvorais and the Feather Servants, most all other Crimson Empire servants are now newly created bio-weapons. Classified in a multitude of ways with those of more independent thought titled "Anointed Ones", and over seen by the Durhan Vat Priests; these new servants to the Crimson Empire are widely used now as they have no fears, disloyalty, or morals to bind them to rebel against the vastly superior minds of the Durhan.
The rapid expanse and use of active Taint in the Vats of the Crimson Empire have lead to an adhoriant mixture of technology and biology; with the express purpose of infecting any enemies of the Crimson Empire with the Taint; to see if they are worthy of enslavement.
Current Technological Advances
Durhan have mastered the use of instantaneous travel on large Capital Ships; Warpgate ships unlike any other races. Additionally most Durhan are equipped with flesh weapons that shoot biological bullets that not only pierce most Armor but also infect the target with the taint if they survive. Durhan also heavily employ defenses that will guide projectiles away from the body and the use of their psychic ability.
Durhan have replaced the Kurlik with Anointed Ones (Using vat technology, dead bodies can be turned into Thralls) and a variety of Droids and Biological Monsters thus creating a more loyal and vicious fodder for the battles they engage in.
Durhan have mastered the use of instantaneous travel on large Capital Ships; Warpgate ships unlike any other races. Additionally most Durhan are equipped with flesh weapons that shoot biological bullets that not only pierce most Armor but also infect the target with the taint if they survive. Durhan also heavily employ defenses that will guide projectiles away from the body and the use of their psychic ability.
Durhan have replaced the Kurlik with Anointed Ones (Using vat technology, dead bodies can be turned into Thralls) and a variety of Droids and Biological Monsters thus creating a more loyal and vicious fodder for the battles they engage in.
An Empire of Domination and Power
The Worship of the Crimson King is a guise for the Crimson Empire; and the ruling race the Durhan. Seeing themselves as the chosen race Crimsonism was a religious language they understood, that only the powerful can survive and the lesser races need culling or at least control. Thus use of the Taint as a way to test to see if a race is powerful enough to be enslaved slowly became a dominate excuse of the Empire for waging it's war against
Durhan also have Vat Priests much like the Kurlik however instead or robotic enhancements they use biological enhancements to make themselves more in tune with The Taint and the Bio-Web.
The Preaching of the Crimson Empire are such;
Purge the Unpure
Kill the Heretics
Hail the Crimson King
The Worship of the Crimson King is a guise for the Crimson Empire; and the ruling race the Durhan. Seeing themselves as the chosen race Crimsonism was a religious language they understood, that only the powerful can survive and the lesser races need culling or at least control. Thus use of the Taint as a way to test to see if a race is powerful enough to be enslaved slowly became a dominate excuse of the Empire for waging it's war against
Durhan also have Vat Priests much like the Kurlik however instead or robotic enhancements they use biological enhancements to make themselves more in tune with The Taint and the Bio-Web.
The Preaching of the Crimson Empire are such;
Purge the Unpure
Kill the Heretics
Hail the Crimson King
The Crimson Conversion Philosophy
There are two main branches of Crimson Empire Philosophy, note that one is nearly dead. The Philosophy quickly adapted to the Durhan philosophy of Durhast; the worship of The Crimson King as the god who was of upmost power, so strong as that his power created the Taint an easy transition for the Durhan as his chosen race this Taint depending on the camp of thought; is a trial for the other races to which only some, the powerful, can survive. While originally the philosophy of Mechanis was of the strongest faction with the Kurlik being the initial enforcers of the Philosophy due to their own struggle with the Taint.
Durhan would additionally participate in the Mechanis Philosophy as it was enforced and the prime philosophy of The Founder; however it would be primary the Durhan who would begin the growth of the Plaugous philosophy and practice, especially as their political power grew and they took over as the Chosen Race; in addition becoming more in charge of the Crimson Empire's decisions due to the decline of the mental health of The Founder which they carefully hid.
There are two main branches of Crimson Empire Philosophy, note that one is nearly dead. The Philosophy quickly adapted to the Durhan philosophy of Durhast; the worship of The Crimson King as the god who was of upmost power, so strong as that his power created the Taint an easy transition for the Durhan as his chosen race this Taint depending on the camp of thought; is a trial for the other races to which only some, the powerful, can survive. While originally the philosophy of Mechanis was of the strongest faction with the Kurlik being the initial enforcers of the Philosophy due to their own struggle with the Taint.
Durhan would additionally participate in the Mechanis Philosophy as it was enforced and the prime philosophy of The Founder; however it would be primary the Durhan who would begin the growth of the Plaugous philosophy and practice, especially as their political power grew and they took over as the Chosen Race; in addition becoming more in charge of the Crimson Empire's decisions due to the decline of the mental health of The Founder which they carefully hid.
Mechinus Philosophy
They believe that robotics should be used to save other races from the Taint, that the goal of the Crimson Empire should be conversion not destruction. This view is one that the Durhan were originally taught as it stemmed from original Kurlik Philosophy; placing one’s self as better and the caretaker of the weaker races; thus the roll of being the Chosen Race. This camp was the main force that gave technology to the VR, however during the Crimson War they were mostly destroyed being believed to be inefficient as well as the traitorous actions of the V.R. and Kurlik proving the philosophy to have failed. While some renegade Durhan or loosely affiliated members of the Crimson Empire still preach the word of Mechinus particularly the Kurlik; those are few and far between.
Plaugous Philosophy
The newer believe that only the strong should survive, that the taint is the way of the Crimson King testing races to see if they are strong enough to survive. When the Black Mantle was cast off and imprisoned by the Durhan for his incompetence and the end of the war alignment with Victor Raven 13 and The Taint that the Durhan would come closest to mastering The Taint. The new found mastery found great strides in Vat technology and the Durhan Plaugous became a truly dominant force from the need of integrating Bio Technology. This allowed their complete control of the Crimson Empire, cutting all slave races as necessary; building the new foundation of the Empire off of the newly created more subservient Bio-Weapon Units and Anointed Ones.
They believe that robotics should be used to save other races from the Taint, that the goal of the Crimson Empire should be conversion not destruction. This view is one that the Durhan were originally taught as it stemmed from original Kurlik Philosophy; placing one’s self as better and the caretaker of the weaker races; thus the roll of being the Chosen Race. This camp was the main force that gave technology to the VR, however during the Crimson War they were mostly destroyed being believed to be inefficient as well as the traitorous actions of the V.R. and Kurlik proving the philosophy to have failed. While some renegade Durhan or loosely affiliated members of the Crimson Empire still preach the word of Mechinus particularly the Kurlik; those are few and far between.
Plaugous Philosophy
The newer believe that only the strong should survive, that the taint is the way of the Crimson King testing races to see if they are strong enough to survive. When the Black Mantle was cast off and imprisoned by the Durhan for his incompetence and the end of the war alignment with Victor Raven 13 and The Taint that the Durhan would come closest to mastering The Taint. The new found mastery found great strides in Vat technology and the Durhan Plaugous became a truly dominant force from the need of integrating Bio Technology. This allowed their complete control of the Crimson Empire, cutting all slave races as necessary; building the new foundation of the Empire off of the newly created more subservient Bio-Weapon Units and Anointed Ones.
Humans: Uneasy Truce/ Shadow Wars
Ra’ul: Try to Corrupt
Xy'lon: At War with
Kurlik: Uneasy Truce/ Shadow Wars
V.R. : Uneasy Trading, sometimes fight
The Taint: Fight/can somewhat control
Selvorais: Use some Tribes as Slaves
Anngex: Use some Tribes as Slaves, Fight other Tribes.
Humans: Uneasy Truce/ Shadow Wars
Ra’ul: Try to Corrupt
Xy'lon: At War with
Kurlik: Uneasy Truce/ Shadow Wars
V.R. : Uneasy Trading, sometimes fight
The Taint: Fight/can somewhat control
Selvorais: Use some Tribes as Slaves
Anngex: Use some Tribes as Slaves, Fight other Tribes.